
ERICH HECKEL 1883-1970

Döbeln 1883 – 1970 Radolfzell (German)

Title: Yellow Flowers | Gelbe Blüten, 1948

Technique: Signed, Dated and Titled Watercolour and Chalk Drawing on Laid Paper

Paper size: 63.2 x 48.5 cm. / 24.8 x 19 in.

Additional Information: This watercolour is hand signed and dated in pencil by the artist “Heckel 48” [1948] in the lower right image.

It is also hand titled in pencil “Gelbe Blüten” [Yellow Flowers] in the lower right image.

There is an abandoned sketch of a male nude in a landscape which has been white-washed, verso.

Note: Renate Ebner, the archive’s expert suggests due to a shortage of paper the artist repurposed the sheet for the still life. The male nude appears to be related to a wall hanging (originally on fabric) from the artist’s Berlin studio.


Galerie Wilhelm Grosshennig, Düsseldorf.

Galerie Heuser, Düsseldorf,1980.

Private Collection North Rhine Westphalia.

This watercolour is recorded in the archive of the Erich-Heckel-Stiftung, Hemmenhofen.

Condition: Very good condition. A very small, but skilfully repaired tear in the upper left corner. The sheet is slightly toned along the right edge. Remnants of hinging tape in the corners, verso.